Everything You Need to Know about Car Key Replacement

car key replacement Melbourne

Losing your car key can be a nightmare scenario, especially if you’re in a rush or far from home. Fortunately, car key replacement is a common service that most car owners can benefit from. In this blog, we’ll go through everything you need to know about car key replacement, from the types of keys to the cost and process. Keep reading to find out!

There are three main types of car keys: traditional metal keys, transponder keys, and key fobs. Traditional metal keys are the oldest and simplest type of car key, and usually have a physical pattern or groove that matches the lock. Transponder keys, on the other hand, contain a microchip that communicates with the car’s ignition system, and are used in most modern cars. Finally, key fobs are remote-controlled devices that can lock, unlock, and start the car wirelessly.

The type of key you have will determine the cost and complexity of replacement. Traditional metal keys are usually the cheapest and easiest to replace, since any local locksmith can create a copy by cutting a new key to match the pattern. Transponder keys, on the other hand, require specialized equipment and programming to duplicate the microchip. Key fobs are even more complex, since they involve both radio frequency communication and programming to the car’s computer.

The cost of car key replacement in Melbourne can vary greatly depending on the type of key and the make and model of the car. Traditional metal keys usually cost less than $10 to replace, while transponder keys can range from $50 to $200 or more depending on the complexity. Key fobs can be the most expensive, with some dealerships and locksmiths charging upwards of $500 for a replacement. It’s important to shop around and compare prices before settling on a locksmith or dealer.

The process of car key replacement also depends on the type of key and the car’s security system. For traditional metal keys, the locksmith will usually ask for the make and model of the car, and either create a copy on-site or order a new key from the manufacturer. For transponder keys and key fobs, the locksmith or dealer will need to access the car’s computer and reprogram it to recognize the new key. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the car model and the locksmith’s equipment.

In some cases, car key replacement may be covered under your car insurance or warranty. If you have comprehensive car insurance, check with your provider to see if they cover the cost of lost or stolen keys. Some car manufacturers also offer extended warranties that cover key replacement, so make sure to check your warranty contract. If neither insurance nor warranty covers the cost, you may need to pay out of pocket, so it’s important to consider the cost beforehand.


Losing your car key can be a stressful experience, but car key replacement is a common and accessible service. By knowing the type of key you have, the cost and process of replacement, and your insurance and warranty options, you can prepare for the worst and minimize the hassle. If you ever find yourself in need of car key locksmith in Melbourne, don’t panic – just follow the steps outlined in this blog.